Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Anti-Gay Muslim Patrol!

                                                                                                 By Romulus Marshall

For real... in East London, some blocks of the city are home to a group that calls itself “Muslim Patrol” who also ran a now defunct YouTube page chronicling its misadventures as its members harass individuals they deem to be homosexual, provocatively dressed, or drinking alcohol.   The most recent event was a vicious beating put on a man that was believed to be gay. 

Seriously guys - you can’t find anything better to do with your time then walk the streets looking for gay people in East London???  You can’t have it both ways - you can’t complain if people hate Islam and then go out and beat gays and drunks because you are TOTALLY misrepresenting it for the rest of us. 

I mean hey, I get it, you don’t like gays - but do what everyone else does when they don’t like gay people - get your hands on some porn!!!  Unlike in Pakistan, that shit ain’t banned in the UK (just go to ANY phone booth!!)   Maybe play a sport - let me clarify, a sport that does not require the use of a bat or large stick.  Better yet - you could just get a fake girlfriend like Manti T’eo!  Can't be HARAM (forbidden) if she don’t exist right?!?!  

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