Wednesday, January 9, 2013


By Romulus Marshall

From Irani BoobTube to Pakistani “CantShowYourFace”book!!!!

It looks like the folks that have been running a social networking site similar to FaceBook (but apparently free of blasphemy) are now hurting for cash.  There is a plea from the founders and operators of “” ( still include the word facebook in your site - come on now...) to its user community to help pay for the soon to collapse network.  “MillatFacebook says it sought donations to "help us towards our goal of keeping this Peaceful Social Network run forever and defeat blasphemer Facebook”.  Facebook has faced multiple bans in Pakistan because it allowed its users to upload some silly cartoons which militants deemed blasphemous and representative of the entire 1.5 billion + users of facebook.  Bright idea - let’s launch OUR own facebook!!!  We’ll add some silly urdu word to facebook, how about Millat!!!  Facebook is about expressing themselves - millatfacebook can be about oppressing themselves!!  Oh this is great - we’ll be the #1 site in all of Pakistan and the entire world!!!  After 2 years of crickets chirping, is now the #10,266 on the most popular websites in Karachi - hard to claim success when you get outranked by friendster (and I mean NOBODY uses friendster!).

If anything this has proven the 2 things that mullahs should never run...#1 social networks #2 ANYTHING ELSE

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