Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Old Men loving Little Girls...also known as Pedophilia!

When girls as young as 15 years old are forced to marry older men it usually is the perfect recipe for disaster. This theory is now proven according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, a total of 22.2 per cent of women who tied the knot during 2011 were 15 years old or younger in Palestine.

Disturbing much? In this day and age when children should just be allowed to be children, young girls are forced to become women and take care of families when they are just children themselves.

This is like the straight version of Jerry Sandusky (convicted of pedophilia, Penn State coach) lusting after young girls and being legally allowed to do so. Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. What are they gonna do next, force girls to get married when they are newborns? This act is simply barbaric and straight from the 5th century mindset.

Wake up and smell the 21st century insane extremist mentality! If you let your daughters study, properly live out their childhood and grow up to be intelligent/strong women only then can your society beat poverty and violence. Until then the image above is your transportation to get around town.

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