Sunday, June 10, 2012

Afghanistan's Got Talent!

Pedophilia in the West is frowned upon and rightfully so but in the East it has a whole different meaning. Warlord's in Afghanistan keep young boys as sex slaves since its a status symbol. It's called Bacha Bazi (Playing with children). Kidnapping, seducing or buying young pretty boys from severely poor families to be turned into entertainment objects for old, rich powerful warlords and then to be used as sex toys. These are the same warlords who want to conduct jihad against the infidels (the West), force Sharia law on everyone, pray five times a day and then force young boys into having sex with them. They believe having sex with a woman before marriage is haram (forbidden) but raping a young boy isn't. Mind you this is illegal according to Afghani and Pakistani law but if no one enforces it, then what's the point. Disgusting!

This video shows a very pretty boy dancing as the grown men watch him like Gollum wanted "The Precious" all to himself. This is a cancerous culture not only in Afghanistan but also in Pakistan. It's one thing to see your kid on America's Got Talent but it's another to see your kid being forced into performing a "Talent".

Watch this cancer in action....

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