Wednesday, October 31, 2012


By Alison Royer

OMG…I am freaking out.  Do you guys know what Eid al-Adha is?  It's literally a blood-bath.  First of all, it is also known as the Feast of the Sacrifice…FEAST OF THE SACRIFICE?!  Good lord – I mean…I'm not totally sure how Muslims became tagged with negative and violent stereotypes but it might have something to do with the fact that they celebrate Abraham SACRIFICING HIS FIRST SON, Ishmael!  Now granted God intervened in the final moment and Ishmael totally lived but I feel like this is sending a mixed message.  While Muslims around the world celebrate this weirdo holiday by sacrificing animals in the name of God, I'd like to remind everyone of a long-forgotten tradition called birthdays.  

Why not just celebrate the birth of a man who may or may not be the son of God and who was born to a woman who may or may not have been a virgin?!  As far as reasonableness goes, I consider this to be the benchmark.  Instead of stoning pillars, we fight to the death over Tickle Me Elmos – like the civilized culture that we are.

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