If you saw a couple of out of shape hijaabi girls at your local YMCA who wanted to swim during after hours because of the modesty dictated by their faith and not show their jelly to the world, would you A. Be happy and honor their wishes B. Refer them to Weight Watchers C. Deny them access, laugh in their faces and then call the FBI on them?
Well sad to say but a San Diego YMCA recently set up an extra swim class for a group of East African Muslim women and received a lot of hateful backlash. Although the FBI wasn't informed of this but nonetheless the class is being called "racist" by the likes of Jihad Watch. What kind of name is that for a website? I know...a racist one!
As best articulated in this article by my fellow Jewish brother, Avi Spiegel, this is a health issue not a faith issue. This is the month of Ramadan and in Ramadan muslims can get fat easily given the eating pattern. Just because the girls don't wish to workout or swim around men dosen't make them racist.
When I lived in NYC and was visiting a friend at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital on a Saturday (day of Sabbath for Jews), the elevator had a sign that said "this elevator will stop at every floor on Saturday and Sunday due to Sabbath". Mazel Tov! Now is that racist that other non-Jewish folks have to deal with the elevator stopping on every floor. Absolutely NOT! Tolerance and love for all faiths is what the forefathers of this country wanted and would be very proud of the Young Men's Christian Association for allowing those chubby girls to swim. Thank you YMCA!
Read it out loud....