What is going on in the UK and Scotland you ask? Some insane muslim parents of Kurdish and Iranian descent are forcing their children into marriage..like a 5 year old girl in UK, who's identity has been kept under wraps for her protection.
To all neurotic, insane, crazy muslim parents who wish to force their children into marriage: Cut it out! Stop victimizing yourself and your families. You only bring pain to yourself and your poor child (mostly girls) who are left helpless with abusive spouses. What kind of a man in his right mind would want to force a child into marrying him? The writing is on the wall...a crazy one with narcissitic abusive, controlling tendencies. You can call him Osama Bin Laden Light. The kind that checks himself out in the mirror too much and thinks he's God's gift to women. He may very possibly have pictures of just himself around the living room doing various outdoor activities. A mature, normal and mentally balanced man would want a life partner, not a kid he can kick around and have sex with whenever he feels like.
Mind you men are susceptible to this kind of victimization as well...their parents have a better tactic for them: Guilt! I have one question for all such muslim parents living in the West, the reason you moved to a civilized world is to provide a better life for yourself and your family than why would you not let your child enjoy that freedom you worked so hard to achieve? If it's fear that drives you than you must know that the only way your kids would ever run away from you is if they feel that their home is not a safe place. Make it a safe place for them, they will forever love you for it!